Ruleta de Palabras
Beyond A2 review
Review of the vocabulary: places in town, family, daily routines, house, school, clothes, free-time activities, food and drink, sports.
Ruleta de Palabras
Next Move 4 review 2nd term
Review of the vocabulary that we have seen during the second term: subjects, verbs in the past, house appliances, places in town and drinks.
Ruleta de Palabras
Next Move 3 Review 2nd term
A review of what they have learnt during the 2nd term: weather, clothes, places in town, family, jobs and routines.
Ruleta de Palabras
Next Move 4 Review 1st term
Review of the vocabulary taught during the 1st term: clothes, adjectives, animals, subjects, verbs, kitchen and bathroom
Ruleta de Palabras
Next Move 3 Review 1st term
A review of the vocabulary learnt during the first term. Free time, adjectives, food, countries, action verbs, sports, weather, clothes