Relacionar ColumnasMatch the following pictures with the corresponding sport.
Past Simple Verbs
Relacionar ColumnasRelate the pictures with the verbs in past.
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the following singers with their favorite book.
Social Life Vocabulary
CrucigramaFind the most suitable words!
Duties Vocabulary
Sopa de letrasFind the words studied in previous classes!
Grown ups 2!
Sopa de letrasFind the words related to the name of the characters.
Miscellaneous D
Ruleta de PalabrasProvide the most suitable words for the following descriptions!
Ruleta de PalabrasProvide the most suitable word (s) in the following clues!
Adjectives describing people
Ruleta de PalabrasFind the most suitable adjective in the following descriptions!
Daily routines
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the terms with the pictures.
Cleft Sentences
Relacionar ColumnasPractice the use of cleft sentences in context.