Review Unit 1 - School material
Froggy JumpsFind all the correct answers
CrucigramaColor, shape, school material
Crucigramafind the weather
Crucigramafind the biones
Sopa de letrasfind biomes
Sopa de letrasfind the weather
animals of antarctica
Crucigramaanimals unit 4
Fruits with water
Unit 4
Sopa de letrasunit 4
Unit 4
Crucigramaunit 4
Relacionar ColumnasUnit 4 exercise
Why are river important?
Memoryunit 4 exercise
Find the rivers
Sopa de letrasfind it all
About rivers
Crucigramafind it all
Famous rivers
Crucigramaand their places
Words related to water
CrucigramaFin it all
Water treatment
MemoryFind all the water treatment
Water bodies
CrucigramaFind all the water bodies
About water
Sopa de letrasFind all words related to water
Czechia Culture
Sopa de letrasFind all the words
Uses of water
Sopa de letrasFind the uses of water
Find all the desserts and ingredients
Bodies of water
AdivinanzaFind the bodies of water
Where do we use water?
MemoryWays to find water
Musical Instruments
MemoryFind them
MemoryFind the tourism attractions
Natural sources of water
Memorystates and sources
MemoryFind the flags
Countries in Europe
Sopa de letrasFind the countries of Europe
Bodies of Water
Sopa de letrasname of the bodies of water
Boat gear
Memoryboat gear
Find the boats
Memoryfind the boats
parts of boats
Sopa de letrasparts of boats
Sopa de letrasJourney Game
Culture Game
Sopa de letrasCountry
TestComplete the routine
Routine Quiz
Relacionar Columnasruotine
TestFind out about the routine
Daily routine
Relacionar Columnasmath the pictures to the verbs
Match present and past
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the verbs
Match the verbs
Relacionar Gruposmatch the verbs
Countries and Tourism
Relacionar GruposMatch the name of the countries and tourisc places.
Relacionar ColumnasToday's routine
Countries Crossword
CrucigramaFollow the pictures to put the name of the countries in the blanks. (Coloque o nome das bandeiras nas respectivas linhas)
Introduce Yourself Game
MemoryMatch the questions with the correct answers. (Combine a pergunta com a resposta correta)
Unit 5 week 1 vocabulary
CrucigramaUse the new words to fill in the blanks
Seasons of the year
CrucigramaWhat are they?