Desafíos Digitales: Quiz de Riesgos en la Red
Froggy JumpsPon a prueba tus conocimientos sobre ciberseguridad y riesgos en la red.
Pronouns and Verb to Be Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge on subject pronouns and the verb 'to be'!
Subject Pronouns and Verb 'To Be' Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge on subject pronouns and the verb 'to be' in the present tense!
Parts of the Body
Mapa InteractivoIdentify the parts of the body.
Prueba Diagnóstica
TestPrueba diagnóstica para inglés incial.
Ejercicio 3 / Proyectos 23
Sopa de letrasconceptos aprendidos en clase.
Ejercicio 3 / Proyectos 23
Crucigramaconceptos vistos en clase.
Habits-Simple Present
Sopa de letrasFind the verbs that describe habits.
Desafío de Herramientas para el CAC
Froggy JumpsPon a prueba tus conocimientos sobre las herramientas para el Customer Advisory Council (CAC) con este quiz.
Office Furniture and Supplies
CrucigramaFind the following office furniture and supplies.
Per III-Vocabulary No. 1
Sopa de letrasFind seven of the words on SB pp. 98-99 in the following crossword puzzle.
Completar frasesComplete the following sentences with the correct word according to their connotation. Use clue words to help you know which is the correct word.
Numbers 1-100
Sopa de letrasFind all the numbers in this word search.
CrucigramaLugares turísticos del mundo.
Vocabulary and WC No.1
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the vocabulary words with the corresponding pictures.
Vocabulary and WC No.1
Relacionar GruposMatch the words with the definitions
Past Tense of Irregular Verbs
CrucigramaComplete the following crossword puzzle with the past tense of the irregular verbs represented by the pictures. Click on the first box to of the words to see the pictures.
Guess what?
AdivinanzaWhat month of the year has 28 days?