first English phrases
Relacionar ColumnasPhrases like hi, hello, how are you and bye
Froggy JumpsLet's practise numbers
Fill the gaps
Completar frasesUse Present Perfect Simple & Continuous
Put at, on, in
Completar frasesfill the gaps
Question words
Froggy Jumpsfind the proper word
Write the verbs
Completar fraseswrite the verbs in Present Perfect
Open the brackets
Completar frasesUse Present Perfect Continuous
Open the brackets
Completar frasesUse either Present Simple or Present Continuous
Fill the gaps with a verb in brackets
Completar frasesUse Present Continuous
Fill the gaps with missing words
Completar frasesdrag the words to its places
Fill in the gaps with Present Simple
Completar frasesOpen the brackets
Present Simple match
Relacionar ColumnasFind the Russian equivalents
Completar frasesFill in the blanks with the words on the left