The fruits and vegetables
Ruleta de PalabrasAhora vamos a poner a prueba nuestros conocimientos de frutas y verduras en inglés
The verbs
Sopa de letrasPon a prueba tus conocimientos de los verbos más usados en inglés
Days of the week
CrucigramaPon a prueba tus conocimientos de vocabulario con LOS DIAS DE LA SEMANA
Present continuous
Ordenar PalabrasOrdena las palabras en el correcto orden gramatical para formas oraciones en tiempo presente continuo
The animals
Ordenar LetrasAdivina los animales en inglés
Relacionar ColumnasTraduce las oraciones de manera correcta
Froggy Jumpshalla el significado de las palabras
Regular and irregular verbs
CrucigramaRegular and irregular verbs
Objects of the house
Sopa de letrasFind the words
Past verbs
CrucigramaWrite the verbs in the past form
Possessive adjectives
CrucigramaWrite the correct possessive adjective
Possessive pronouns
Completar frasesFill the blank with the correct possessive pronouns
The adjetives
Sopa de letrasFind the adjetives
Ordinal numbers
Crucigramawrite the correct ordinal number in the cross word escribe el número ordinal correcto en el crucigrama
Verb TO BE
Relacionar ColumnasJoin the words with the correct translation
Frequency adverbs
CrucigramaRemember the frequency adverbs
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the words to form sentences using the future with WILL YOU MUST BE FAST TO ORDER THE SENTENCES Good luck! Ordena las palabras para formar oraciones usando futuro con WILL DEBES SER RÁPIDO ...
Days, months and seasons
Relacionar GruposRelate the family of words according the days, months ans seasons. relaciona la familia de palabras de acuerdo a los dias, meses y estaciones
The colours
CrucigramaWe are going to learn a new vocabulary, in this opportunity, we will learn the colours in English.
Future simple (WILL)
Completar frasesWe are going to practice the affirmative, negative and interrogative structure of sentences using the future simple (WILL)
Ruleta de Palabraswe are going to test your knowledge about your vocabulary
season, days and months
Adivinanzaguess the correct season, days and months
The nouns
Testwrite the name of some nouns
The colours
Ordenar LetrasOrder the letters to form the words
The adjetives
Relacionar ColumnasFind the correct comparative adjetives
The daily activities
Relacionar ColumnasJoin the activities with the correct time
The body parts
Mapa InteractivoYou must identify the different parts of the body
The animals
Crucigramaordenana y encuentra los animales
Adjetives, verbs and nouns
Relacionar Gruposlink the adjetives, verbs and nouns
simple present
Ordenar Palabrasordena las palabras
Verbs with -ing
Sopa de letrasFind the verbs with -ing ending Encuentra los verbos con terminación -ing
Presente del verbo TO BE
Completar frasesCompleta la oración con el verbo TO BE correcto