prepositions of place
Mapa Interactivotell us where the objects are.
Prepositions of place
Crucigramayou will have to guess what is the correct word to develop this activity, according with the clues.
second Preposition activity
Video Quizwith this activity you will have to practice your listening skill. You have to watch the video and answer the questions.
find the prepositions of place
Sopa de letrasyou'll have to find the prepositions as soon as you can.
Prepositions of place
Relacionar Gruposyou'll have to match the prepositions in English and it's meaning in Spanish.
We're gonna evaluate your knowledge about the meaning of the preposition of places.
Where somethin is?
Completar frasesafter to watch the video, complete the sentences according what is talking in the video.
Where are the dog and the cat?
Completar frasesFill in the gaps according with the letter of the picture. Example in picture A the dog is ON the chair.
Prepositions of place
Ordenar Palabraswith this activity you'll be able to choose the correct preposition of place to tell where something is.
Sopa de letrasthis activity allow to students develop competences to recognize the colors