Ordenar Palabras
V4L8GRA Zero Conditional
Test your knowledge of zero conditional sentences by unscrambling the words!
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EME V4L1VOCLIS 230924 EX.1
Here you have a text. Complete ir using the vocabulary from Quizlet.
Completar frases
Here you have a text. Complete ir using the vocabulary from Quizlet.
Use before, after, for, since, from, to, until, till, at, in or on to answer this exercise.
Listen and pair affirmative and negative sentences. Simple present.
Ruleta de Palabras
Final Voc. Rew. 1 3C
Here you have a listening exercise to practice your vocabulary.
Froggy Jumps
V3 L1-16 Review 3C 2
Here you have some sentences to practice what you studied during the semester.
Ordenar Palabras
ALC Book 5 GRA A An The 130124
Here you have a listening exercise to practice the use of articles.
Ordenar Letras
V2L1VOCREW Final Parts of the body.
Here you have an exercise to practice how to spell the parts of the body.
Ordenar Letras
ALC 5 L1VOC Parts of the body.
Here you have an exercise to practice how to spell the parts of the body.
Video Quiz
Kung fu panda- Simple past (D) (D)
Let`s talk about the past events of Po. Watch the video and answer (Hablemos de los eventos pasados de Po- Mira el vídeo y responde)
Completar frases
V2L3 Prepositions of Time
Complete the sentences using the correct time expression.
Froggy Jumps
Present Tense or Present Continuous
Test your knowledge of present continuous and present simple with these 10 questions!
Froggy Jumps
V3 L1-16 Review 2
Here you have some sentences to practice what you studied during the semester.
Vocabulary NALC Lessons 11-15
Read the sentences and fill in the blank. Use the vocabulary studied in lessons 11-15.
Ruleta de Palabras
Vocabulary V3-2
Look at the pictures or read the definitions and write the correct word.
Use before, after, for, since, from, to, until, till, at, in or on to answer this exercise.
-Read the statements. -Write while or when or the correct form of the verb to fill in the blanks.
Relacionar Grupos
Lessons 1-3 Vol. 3 Nalc. LST
Choose 3 things that belong to the same shop or place. You have 2 chances to pass the activity.
Dictation 1 General
Listen and write the sentences. Use capitals and full stops. List your answers starting with number 0. 0. Apple 1. Bus
Video Quiz
The Whistle
Watch the video and answer the questions. Use simple past and past continuous.