marisa monte vilarejo letra
Completar frasespreencher os espaços em branco com as palavras correspondentes
Free time & leisure activities
CrucigramaIn this crossword puzzle, you will have to write down which Free time /hobby/ leisure activities that corresponds to the given definition, think and give an example. Note: When we talk about our hobb...
Phrasal Verbs
CrucigramaIn this crossword puzzle, you will have to write down which phrasal verb corresponds to the given definition, think of an example.
indefinite pronouns
CrucigramaWe will work with the Pronouns: indefinite (-body, -one, -thing, -where) . Review: We use -body, -one, -thing, -where to refer to people, places and things in a general way. (In this activity Spanish ...
Possessive pronouns
MemoryShort review of the topic
Adjective pronouns
Relacionar ColumnasMatching columns game (first column: person- Second column: adjective pronouns )