Las siguientes pistas están relacionadas con la vida de San Marcelino Champagnat.
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Questions tags
Listen and choose the correct picture. It is about question tags.
Completar frases
Used to/be used to/Get used to
English grammar practice exercise, In this exercise you will practice used to, be used to, and get used to.
Video Quiz
Video de San Marcelino
Biografía de San Marcelino Champagnat. Observar el video con atención y responda a las preguntas.
San Marcelino Champagnat
Las siguientes pistas están relacionadas con la vida de San Marcelino Champagnat.
Sopa de letras
Vocabulary C2
You can play this game to practice new vocabulary C2. There are many words in each game, try to find them all! You can do it!
Sopa de letras
You can play this game to practice and learn new vocabulary C2. There are many words in each game, try to find them all! You can do it!