Encuentra todas las palabras que llevan la letra Z
Crucigrama sobre el contenido de La Crónica. Secundaria.
Resuelve las siguientes preguntas de acuerdo a lo visto en el curso
Unir la imagen y el sonido correcto.
Match the job with its correct supply.
Discover the words in the crossword.
Discover the time expressions
Order the letters to form the professions
Order the letters to form the professions
Order the letters to form the professions
Order the letters to form the professions
Order the letters to form the professions
Order the letters to form the professions
Order the letters to form the professions
Order the letters to form the professions
Order the letters to form the professions
Order the letters to form the professions
Order the letters to form the professions
Order the letters to form the professions
Order the letters to form the professions
Order the letters to form the professions
Order the letters to form the professions
Order the letters to form the professions
Complete the crossword with the name of all the musical instruments.
Solve the crossword using the clues.
Complete the questions with the correct missing word from the word bank
Order the words as you hear them in the audio
Order the words as you hear them in the audio
Order the words as you hear them in the audio
Order the words as you hear them in the audio
Order the words as you hear them in the audio
Order the words as you hear them in the audio
Order the words as you hear them in the audio
Order the words as you hear them in the audio
Order the words as you hear them in the audio
Order the words as you hear them in the audio
Order the words as you hear them in the audio
Connect the person and the text
Da clic en el miembro de la FAMILY que te pide.
Hay que unir las acciones de presente y pasado, para ello hay que dar clic en los botones a ambos lados de la pantalla, que Zaira escuche y trate de unirlos. Por favor, brindar la ayuda que se requier...
Hay que encontrar el par.
Una carta muestra la imagen y la otra el sonido del vocabulario.
Memorama del cuerpo para trabajo de inglés
Realiza la actividad de memorama.
Quetzalcoatl Elementary School
English class
4° Grade
Activity: Memorama
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Para imprimir tantos juegos como quieras, necesitas un Plan Académico o un Plan Comercial.