The early history of the onion (FCE level)
Completar frasesFill in the gaps with the word that best fits each gap
Ken Hom (FCE level)
Completar frasesFill in the gaps with a suitable word. Write one word only.
Shangai seasons (FCE levels)
Completar frasesWrite the word that fits in each gap.
Complete PET - phrasal verbs I
Froggy JumpsPhrasal verbs revision
C1 Vocabulary (D)
Ordenar LetrasSort the letters
Next 1.0 (D)
Ruleta de PalabrasRead the clue and guess the word, phrasal verb or idiom.
KB 3 - crossword
CrucigramaDo the crossword.
KB 1 - living room map
Mapa InteractivoFind the objects in the picture.
KB 4 - Adjectives crossword
CrucigramaCan you guess the adjectives?
School objects - KB2
Sopa de letrasFind the school objects.
Match the numbers - KB2
MemoryMatch the numbers.
Match the colous - KB2
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the colours
School objects - Kb1
Sopa de letrasFind the classroom objects.
Match the numbers - KB1
Relacionar ColumnasCan you match all the numbers?
Past simple Memory - KB4
MemoryMatch the present and past verbs.
KB 4 - Past simple wordsearch
Sopa de letrasFind the past simple forms.
Match the colours - KB1
MemoryMatch the colours.
Match the numbers - KB3
MemoryMatch the numbers.
Match the numbers
Relacionar GruposActivitat de relacionar números amb la paraula.