Trivia Vocabulary
Ruleta de PalabrasThis activity gives students the opportunity to practice general vocabulary.
By working on this activity students will practice vocabulary related to occupations while identifying correct verb Be statements.
MemoryEsta actividad refuerza vocabulario relacionado a sentimientos.
Voy a la ciudad
MemoryEste juego refuerza el vocabulario relacionado con la ciudad, correspondiente al video Voy a la ciudad, perteneciente a Rockalingua.
En la playa
MemoryEsta actividad refuerza vocabulario relacionado con la playa
Las frutas y sus colores
Completar frasesIdentificar los colores de las frutas
The little princess vocabulary
PresentaciónChildren review basic vocabulary found in the You Tube video "The little princess", based on Tonny Ross' book.
"The Little Princess" vocabula
Relacionar GruposChildren practice basic vocabulary found in the video "The little princess" based on the books by Tony Ross.
CrucigramaThis activity gives young learners the opportunity to review some common occupations.
What's the word
Ruleta de PalabrasBy working on this activity students practice general vocabulary.
Favorite Toys
Relacionar GruposThis matching pairs activity is geared toward young English learners.
Favorite Toys
MemoryThis game is geared toward young children with a basic level of English.