BS1 Projects - collocations
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the collocations with their meanings.
C2.1 - Key Vocabulary Unit 1 (Creativity)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to their definitions
TEENS B1.7 Visual Stories (Vocabulary)
Sopa de letrasFind the words in the puzzle
B1.5 Unit 3 Water
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the water sports to their definitions.
B1.5 2c Living Statues (vocabulary)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words with the definitons
B1.3 8f Ancient languages, modern technology (Key vocabulary)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words on the slide with the definitions
B1.3 8c Wordbuilding
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the beginnings of the sentences with the endings.
B1.3 8a Mobile Technology
Relacionar ColumnasMath the words with the definitions
B1.3 7a Work (Vocabulary)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the jobs to their definitions
B2.2 6c Vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to their definitions
B2.7 9d Weather conditions
Sopa de letrasFind the words in the puzzle
B2.2 Writing Task 2 (opinion essay)
Relacionar ColumnasDecide which of the four ways to begin an opinion essay each sentence is an example of.
A2.4 10b On holiday (extra activity 2)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the two parts of the words or phrases.
B2.7 8a (adjectives)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the adjectives from the interview with the correct meaning.
B2.7 7f (Key vocabulary)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words with their descriptions.
A2.4 Symbols 10e
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the symbols and punctuation with the way you say them
B1.4 Discussing issues (extra activity)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the two halves of the sentences.
B1.7 Compound adjectives
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the two parts of the sentences containing compound adjectives.
B2.7 Creating a buzz (Listening activity after ex. 2)
Completar frasesComplete the extract from the interview about social media marketing with the correct verbs.
Extra activity - B1.7 Shopping trends (Vocabulary)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the expressions from the text with the correct words.
B1.7 History (unit opener vocabulary)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words with the definitions. Then read the information about Captain Scott's expedition.
B1.4 Is stuff winning? Phrasal verbs
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the phrasal verbs with their definitions.
Listening Activity B1.4 (Products)
Completar frasesListen again and complete the text with the missing verbs.
Vocabulary B1.7 (Unit opener U7)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the two parts of the sentences. Then listen to the speakers again and check your answers.
Writing A2.3 (It looks amazing)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the two halves of the sentences.
Vocabulary (Entertainment) A2.3
Sopa de letrasFind the words related to entertainment
B1.6 - Amelia Earthart Vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sentences with the correct words.
A2.3 Listening (extra activity - pink and blue)
Completar frasesListen to the article and choose the correct words to complete each sentence.
A2.3 - Writing 1 extra activity
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the two halves of the sentences from different travel blogs.
Comparatives - A2.3 (Remember... remember)
Ordenar PalabrasPut the words in the correct order.
A1.3 - Unit 11 Simple Past
Completar frasesFill in the blanks with the correct verb
A2.2 Past simple questions
Ordenar PalabrasPut the words in order to make past simple questions
C1.2 - Unit 4 Vocabulary
Sopa de letrasFind the words in the crossword
Vocabulary - Unit 6 C1.3
CrucigramaFor each description, write the correct word in the crossword.
Teens B1.2 Underwater Mysteries Vocabulary
CrucigramaAfter listening to the words, write them according to the correct definition
Vocabulary B2.3 (Cruel to be kind)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words of phrases with the meanings
Phrasal Verbs - Relationships C2.3
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the idioms/expressions to the correct defintions
B1.8 News Sections - Vocabulary
Sopa de letrasFind the 12 news sections in the word search puzzle
Phrasal Verbs - Come (C2.3)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the definitions with the prhasal verbs/expressions
B1.8 Vocabulary - injuries
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the injuries with their definitions
Vocabulary: Injuries
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the two halves of the expressions to make everyday injuries
Vocabulary - How we travel B2.6
Relacionar ColumnasFind words or expressions in the second paragraph of the blog with these meanings
Key word - Look (BH3)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the use of look to definitions
Multi-part verbs C1.6
MemoryMatch the verbs to their meanings
Vocabulary C1.6 (Feelings)
MemoryMatch the two parts of the phrases
Learning (Vocabulary) BH3
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the phrases to the definitions.
Vocabulary C1.3 (Ages and stages)
Relacionar ColumnasPlease match the words with their definitions
Vocabulary - business (B2.2)
Completar frasesFill in the blanks with the correct answer
Uses of the -ing form
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the meaning with the correct example
C1.4 - Expressions U8
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the expressions to their definitions
B2.4 Collocations
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the collocations/idioms to their meaning
B2.4 Scams Vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words or expressions to their definitions
B2.1 Ph Verbs - Relationships
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the verbs to their definitions
B2.1 Relationships
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the phrases/expressions to their definitions
Being Your Own Boss
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the concepts to their definition.
Hard Skills & Soft Skills
Relacionar GruposMatch the skills to the correct category
C1S4 Narrative Tenses
Relacionar GruposMatch the tenses to their uses.
Prefix re-
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the beginnings of the sentences with the endings.
Relacionar GruposMatch the modifiers to the correct use
Word Formation
Relacionar GruposMatch the words to the correct category
B1.6 Adverbs in Stories
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the adverbs to their meanings
B2+S3 idioms
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the expressions to their definitions
B1+S3 Common Phrasal Verbs
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the phrasal verbs to the definitions
B1.8 Phrasal Verbs (Barefoot)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the phrasal verbs to their definitions
B1.8 Ideas and Solutions
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the adjectives to their meanings
B1.8 Modals - Past
Relacionar GruposMatch the sentences to the correct categories
No Smoking B1.8
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to the definitions
Countries and Languages
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the language to the country/countries to the languages.
B2.3 - Bureacracy
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the definitions to the vocabulary
Extreme Weather B2.1 Voc
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to their definitions
B2.1 Relationships Phrasal V
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the phrasal verbs to the definitions
B2.5 Night Life
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the phrases/words to their description
B2.5 Technology
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to their definitions
C1.1 Phrasal Verbs
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the phrasal verbs to their correct definition
Business & Finance
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the columns
Articles (A/A/The/No Article)
Relacionar GruposMatch the uses to each one of the articles.
B2.5 - Phrasal verbs (money)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the phrasal verbs to the correct definition
B2.1 - Experts (Vocabulary)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the verbs to the nouns to make collocations
B2.1 Phrasal Verbs - Friends
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the phrasal verbs to their meanings.
B1.2 Phrasal Verbs Social netw
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the phrasal verbs to the correct definition
Entertainment Adjectives B2.3
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the adjectives to their definition
B2.4 Crimes Vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to the correct description
State & Dynamic Verbs
Relacionar GruposMatch the verbs to the correct categories
Reading Verbs B1.5
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the verbs to the correct definition
Free-time activities
Relacionar GruposMatch the activities to the correct pattern
Money Verbs
CrucigramaWrite the correct verb according to its description
Nouns from phrasal verbs
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the nouns to the correct definition
B1.9 - Phrasal Verbs.Memories
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the definitions to the correct phrasal verbs
B1.9 Childhood memories
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the definitions to the words/phrases
B1+S4 -ed & -ing Adjectives
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pairs of adjectives with the emotions they're associated with.
B1.9 - Gaming
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to the correct definitions
Adjectives A1.1
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the adjectives with their meaning
B1S3 Modal Verbs
Relacionar Columnasmatch the modal verbs to their uses
Collective Nouns B2.3
CrucigramaWrite the correct collective noun according to its description.
B2.3 Red Tape Vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the vocabulary to the correct definition
Word Formation B2.3
Relacionar GruposMatch the words to the correct prefixes
Describing place to stay B1.6
CrucigramaWrite the correct word to each one of the definitions.
Jobs - A2.4
CrucigramaWrite the correct word for each of the definitions.
A2.4 Communication (verbs)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the verbs to their meanings.
B1.6 Collocations/Phrasal Verb
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words/phrases to their meanings
Music for free B1.4
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the definitions with the correct word.
Relationships Vocabulary B1.4
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to their definitions.
B1.4 Adjectives
CrucigramaComplete the crossword with the correct adjectives
Describing Appearance B2.2
Relacionar GruposPut the words in the correct category. Some can go in more than one column. Use a dictionary if necessary.
Types of advertising
Relacionar ColumnasLook at the words and match them to the correct definition.
B2 Word Formation
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the affixes to the uses
B2.6 Adventure
CrucigramaWrite the correct word according to its description
B2.6 Phrasal verbs
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sentence beginnings and endings. Then put the sentences in order to make a story.
Vocabulary: Personality
CrucigramaWrite the correct words according to their definitions
B1.7 - Media Vocabulary
Crucigramause the media words in bold from the article and write them according to their descriptions
Unseen Tours B1.7
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to the definitions
Vocabulary Unit 8 - B1.7
CrucigramaComplete the crossword with the correct concepts
Vocabulary B1.7 Unit 7
CrucigramaComplete the crossword with the complete words according to the descriptions
Vocabulary C1.4
CrucigramaComplete the crossword with the correct word by reading their descriptions.
Daily activities
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the activities
Expressions with Brain
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the expressions to the definitions
Describing Trends C1.4
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the phrases to the correct meaning.
Reported Speech
Relacionar ColumnasMatch comments to sentences 1-5
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the conditionals to their uses
Jobs (Word Families)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the job to the correct action
Sports Vocabulary Part 3
CrucigramaFind the words in the crossword
Phonics /k/
TestWhat's the word?
Historical Events
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the events to the correct years
B2 First Content
Relacionar GruposMatch the descriptions to the correct category
Prefixes mis-
CrucigramaWrite the correct word for each definition
Sports Vocabulary Part 2
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the columns
MemoryFind the correct sport and activity
Vocabulary C1.3 Unit 4
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the columns.
Phrasal Verbs
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the columns in order to make a story.
CrucigramaWrite the correct word on the crossword based on the description
Poetry Vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the word to the correct definition.
Clothing Memory Game
MemoryFind the correct pairs.
Units 1-3
Sopa de letrasFind all the words related to the units 1 to 3.
Sopa de letrasFind all the correct words that have to do with literature.
Charity Vocabulary
CrucigramaWrite the correct definition on the crossword
Relacionar GruposMatch the words with the correct category
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the music words with the correct description
CrucigramaVocabulary about museums