Verbs + preposition
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the verbs with the prepositions they go with.
EU countries and capitals
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the country to its capital city.
Strong adjectives
CrucigramaRead the definition and guess the strong adjective.
Adjectives to describe objects
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the adjectives with their antonym.
Europe's political map
Ruleta de PalabrasEuropean countries and their capital cities
Mountains of Europe
Mapa InteractivoMountains of Europe
Rivers of Europe
Mapa InteractivoRivers of Europe
Rivers of Spain
Mapa InteractivoRivers of Spain
International activities
CrucigramaGuess what people from other countries like doing in their free time.
Food around the world.
Relacionar ColumnasMatch each of the word with the corresponding picture.
Guess the word.
Vocabulary 2
Ruleta de PalabrasGuess the words.
Vocabulary 1
Ruleta de PalabrasGuess the words.
Alternative transports
Sopa de letrasFind the six alternative transports.
Find the matching pairs
MemoryMatch each image with the written expression about locations in town.
Match the pairs.
Relacionar ColumnasLook at the pictutes and mach them with their names.
Natural disasters crossword
CrucigramaRead the definitions and solve the crossword about natural disasters.
Internet as a learning tool
CrucigramaLook at the images and complete the crossword with the expressions about online activities.
"How we learn" vocabulary
Completar frasesComplete the paragraph with the vocabulary on "How we learn".
Learning tools - Unit 1
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words with the pictures.
Vocabulary challenge
Ruleta de PalabrasGuess all the words given their initial letter.
Verbs tenses
Relacionar GruposGroup the sentences according to whether the express an action in past, present or future.
Irregular pasts matching
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pairs formed by the base form of a verb and its past simple form.
Atmosphere quiz
TestChoose the correct answer for each of the questions.
Earth movements
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions.
Machines: find the pairs
MemoryMatch the different machines with their name.
Completar frasesComplete the definitions of three of the best-known forces on earth.
Matter wordsearch
Sopa de letrasFind all the words related to Matter.
Body systems
TestAnswer the multiple-choice test on the body systems.
Groups of invertebrates
CrucigramaSolve the crossword to identify the most common groups of invertebrates.
Parejas de sinónimos
Relacionar ColumnasEncuentra las parejas de sinónimos
Clasifica por la sílaba tónica
Relacionar GruposAgrupa todas las palabras que sean agudas, llanas y esdrújulas.
Identifica sujeto y predicado
Completar frasesIdentifica el sujeto (SUJ) y el predicado (PRED) de las siguientes oraciones.
Identificar la persona, el número, el tiempo verbal y la conjugación a la que pertenecen las distintas formas verbales.
Relaciona verbo-conjugación
Relacionar ColumnasRelaciona cada verbo de las siguientes oraciones con la conjugación a la que pertenece. Pista: para relacionarlo tendrás que saber cuál es su infinitivo.
Agrupa las palabras
Relacionar GruposAgrupa las palabras en las siguientes categorías: sustantivos comunes, sustantivos propios, adjetivos y determinantes.