Sopa de letras
Imagine , by John Lennon
Find 10 words related to the song by John Lennon in this wordsearch
Olympic games crosswords
Read the description or look at the photo and complete the crossword.
Mapa Interactivo
Copa América 2024 Participating countries
Locate and name the 16 countries that participate from the Copa América 2024.
Places at school
Look at the pictures or read the descriptions and complete the crosswords.
Pets and Animals
Test your knowledge about pets and other animals with this crossword puzzle!
Olympic games Tokyo 2020 (D)
Look at the pictures and write the name of the Olympic Sports
Int. year Fruit and Veg.
Look at the pictures and write the names of the different fruits and vegetables.
Int. year Fruit and Veg.
Look at the pictures and write the names of the different fruits and vegetables .
Relacionar Columnas
My school is fun.
Match the pictures with the correct sentence. Une las láminas con la oración correcta.
Match the pictures with the correct word. Une la imágen con la palabra correcta.
International Wome´s Day
Do you recognize these women ? Try to match the photographs with the correct names.
The toucan
Read the sentences and complete the crossword about the toucan. Lee las oraciones y completa el crucigrama sobre el tucán.
Rainforest animals
Crosswords Look at the pictures or listen to the sound to find out these rainforest animals.
Sopa de letras
Places at school
Our High School building has got many places and facilities. Can you find them in this wordsearch? There are 10.
Verbs 3rd grade
Memory game Match the activities I did in the winter holidays with the correct pictures. Juego de memoria Une las actividades realizadas en vacaciones de invierno con las láminas correctas.
Verbs 4th grade
Memory game!Match the activities I did during the winter holidays with the correct pictures. Juego de memoria Une las actividades realizadas durante las vacaciones de invierno con su lámina corresp...
Sopa de letras
Food vocabulary
Find 15 words related to food / drinks Encuentra 15 palabras relacionadas con comida / bebidas.
Match - Big Muzzy
Match the character with the correct characteristic. Une el personaje con su característica correspondiente.
Adjectives (Video: Big Muzzy)
Find 6 adjectives related to the video. (Encuentra 6 adjetivos relacionados con el video Big Muzzy.
Sopa de letras
Find 10 adjectives in the wordsearch. (Encuentra 10 adjetivos en la sopa de letras relacionados con el video: Muzzy in Gondoland.)
Relacionar Columnas
Junk Food
Match the pictures with the correct word. Une la lámina con la palabra correcta.
Relacionar Columnas
Big Muzzy in Gondoland
Match the characters of the story with their names. (Une el personaje con su nombre)
Sopa de letras
Save the animals
Find 15 animals in this wordsearch. They can be down, across or diagonally.