Machado de Assis
Completar frasesComplete the text with the correct verbs.
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the musical instruments on the left to their names on the right.
MemoryLet's learn a new vocabulary! Match the words in English to the words in Portuguese. Then, write them on a paper.
Afro Hairstyle
MemoryPlay this game to learn names of some Afro hairstyles! Images from: https://br.pinterest.com/pin/255086766366784475/
CrucigramaVamos revisar o vocabulário de roupas? Observe as figuras e escreva os nomes, em inglês, nos espaços indicados. Clique em um quadradinho para ver a imagem correspondente à linha ou à coluna.
Match the definitions
CrucigramaMatch the words to the definitions
Present Continuous
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the audios to the pictures