Simple past - regular verbs
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer
Complete the sentences with was/were.
False Friends
Video QuizVamos verificar alguns falsos amigos/falsos cognatos com trechos de filmes?
Verbs in the Simple Past
MemoryEncontre os pares - um verbo no infinitivo e seu correspondente no Simple Past.
Simple Past Interrogative Michelle Obama interview task
Adverbs of Frequency
Video QuizAdverbs of frequency in movies. Glossary: 1.Get in trouble = Se meter em encrencas 2.Steal = Roubar 4.Catch = Pegar 6.Wait = Esperar 7.Dress = Vestir, Vestir-se Commoner = Plebeu
Vamos ver o quanto entendemos da música "Favela"?
Favela - Simple Present
Video QuizLet's practice the simple present (affirmative) with the song "Favela" by Alok and Ina Wroldsen.
Present Continuous (DA)
Video QuizLet's practice the Present Continuous with these movie clips?
Present continuous
Video QuizLet's practice the present continuous with famous movie clips?
Chores and activities
Relacionar ColumnasWhat is Rapunzel doing?
Relacionar GruposRelacione os nomes dos sentimentos em inglês e português clicando nas palavras.