Phrasal Verbs 2 (B2)
Ruleta de PalabrasFirst 60 phrasal verbs of the Quizlet glossary
Air travel
Ruleta de PalabrasWords about air travel.
Phrasal verbs
Ruleta de PalabrasPractice on phrasal verbs - B2
Vocabulary revision (A1)
Ruleta de PalabrasUnits 1 to 6 - Mid-term exam.
Elementary-Vocabulary revision
Ruleta de PalabrasClassroom language Things Days and numbers The world
Common verbs (B1)
Ruleta de PalabrasReview of common verbs
Crime and punishment (B2)
CrucigramaVocabulary revision
Compact Advanced (Units 1-5)
Ruleta de PalabrasVocabulary revision
Optimise (A2)
Ruleta de PalabrasRevision of vocabulary. Units 1 and 2.
Walk me through your resume.
Video QuizInterview tips by a former McKinsey interviewer.