
Sus juegos

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  • Video Quiz
    Video Quiz

    Past simple review.

    According to the information in the video, answer the questions.

  • Test

    Choose the correct answer. The audios are examples of sentences from that tense. You can also lean on the images.

  • Ruleta de Palabras
    Ruleta de Palabras


    Think of a country that begins with the corresponding letter.

  • Sopa de letras
    Sopa de letras

    Places in town.

    Look for words related to places in a town.

  • Completar frases
    Completar frases

    P. Cont. Positive Sentences

    Complete the sentences with the correct conjugation of the verb to be and the correct verb.

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Sports Vocabulary

    Match the following images with the name of the sport that people are practicing.

  • Relacionar Grupos
    Relacionar Grupos


    Match the skills with the profession that should have them.

  • Presentación

    Look at the following slides that I previously made for the class. So, take musical notes and go to the links on the slides to answer the activities.

  • Ordenar Letras

    Order the letters to form the correct answer.

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Work activities.

    Match the words with the corresponding images. When you finish, you will have to send me your result by direct WhatsApp message.

  • Mapa Interactivo
    Mapa Interactivo

    P. continuous vs P. simple

    Point to the sentence indicated by the screen. Be careful with grammar tenses.

  • Diálogo

    Imagine that you're the doctor being interviewed, read the dialogue, and record the audio of the full interview.

  • Dictado

    Listen to the words and write them in list form.

  • Crucigrama

    Think about a professional who should have the following skills.

  • Ordenar Palabras

    Order the words to form a negative sentence.

  • Adivinanza

    Think and find the answer to the tense