10C What's the point of art
9C Friendships now and then
Complete the crossword with adjectives used to describe gadgets.
3A Citizen science
3C Tricks of the trade
3A A different life
9D On the run
2C The blame game
2B Practice makes it perfect
2B The first female detective
2A In the name of sports
Form a reporting noun from the verbs given
Complete the gaps with ONE missing word.
1C Community projects
8B Wet wealth
1A Who you are
8D Are you a risk-taker?
7C The golden years
7B The lottery of life
10B Dirty sport
7C Don't stop the music
7A Before I die
Match the antonyms.
9C Internet cookies
5C The boomerangs
9A What's new?
8C Feeding the world
8A A right to eat
6A Love is...
6A Who controls the news?
5D Historical journeys
5C A one-way ticket
5A A word is born
5A Alternative journeys