Greeting a visitor
Ordenar PalabrasWrite the words in the correct order
MemoryMatch the word with its meaning
The cockpit Flight instruments
Ruleta de PalabrasRead the clue and think of a suitable word
At the Hotel
Ruleta de PalabrasRead the clues and think of a word
Parts of an airplane
Ruleta de PalabrasRead the clues and think of a word
More words
Ruleta de PalabrasRead the clues and find a word
At the airport
Ruleta de PalabrasRead the find the missing word
First Term Vocabulary Review
Ruleta de PalabrasRead the clues and think of a word we learnt in class
First Term Vocabulary Review
Ruleta de PalabrasRead the clues and think of a word learnt in class
Vocabulary Review
Ruleta de PalabrasWrite the corrrect word
Pre flight
Ruleta de PalabrasRead the sentences and think about the corresponding word related to pre-flight
Air Travel Actions
Relacionar GruposWhat do you do in these places? Read and match.
Vocabulary Revision
Ruleta de PalabrasLet´s rack our brain!! Read the questions and anwer it as quickly as you can
First term Revision
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the following questions