Compound Nouns for ICT
CrucigramaComplete these puzzle with compound nouns used in Information Communication Technology
Dictionary Entry
Mapa InteractivoLabel a dictionary entry correctly
Phrasal verbs with "work"
MemoryMatch the phrasal verbs with their corresponding meanings.
Relative Pronouns
TestExercise the relative pronouns: who, which, whose
Possessive Adjectives
Completar frasesRead and learn more about the possessive adjectives and do this exercise.
Completar frasesPractise the Possessive Determiners (or Adjectives) and the Possessive Pronouns with this exercise
Months of the year
Sopa de letrasFind the months of the year. They run vertically and horizontally.
Food Animal Categories
MemoryMatch the food items with the corresponding animal category.
Cidadania e Desenvolvimento
Completar frasesDesenvolvimento Sustentável: o Planeta
School Objects
Sopa de letrasSearch for school objects.
Sopa de letrasVocabulary about the world of fashion. The words can be found horizontally or vertically.
Completar frasesFill in the gaps exercise where learners can practise the present simple and present continuous use.
Relacionar ColumnasVocabulary used to describe friendships and friends
MemoryMatch as many as wardrobe items you can
Character traits
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the adjectives to describe workers with their opposites
Daily Routine
Video QuizWatch the following daily routine and answer the questions
The house
Mapa InteractivoIdentifiy the different rooms in a house
Parts of Speech
Relacionar GruposPut the given words into their correct group
CrucigramaVocabulary used in the world of technology
Sopa de letrasFind ten species in danger of extinction in the next grid. They go down and across.
Jobs and Professions
Sopa de letrasFind the names of 10 jobs in the grid.
Ordenar PalabrasOrganise the words to get a sentence that makes sense
Ordenar LetrasDifferent types of agriculture methods
Changing Habits
CrucigramaSome environmental concerns we need to start thinking about.
New Zealand Covid Free
Completar frasesThis breaking news lesson covers New Zealand's declaration of victory over COVID-19