Relacionar Columnas
C7 U8 L8.2 Vocabulary Match
Test your knowledge of key concepts from C7 U8 L8.2 with this fun matching pairs game!
Relacionar Columnas
Countries Nationalities PT1 D5
Match the picture to the corresponding nationality
Relacionar Columnas
Vocabulary PT C9 U1 D6
Match the vocabulary expressions with the corresponding pictures
Froggy Jumps
Simple Present Review C2 PT9
Select the correct option to complete the questions and answers.
Relacionar Columnas
Vocabulary C4 U12 LA
Match the vocabulary expression to the food not included in its group
Relacionar Columnas
Vocabulary C9U2LD
Match the vocabulary expressions to the corresponding pictures
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Vocabulary review C12 U10 LD
Match the vocabulary expressions to their correct meaning
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C7 U7LB Vacation items
Match the vocabulary expressions to the corresponding image
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Compound adjectives C24U11LA1
Match the vocabulary adjectives to the correct meaning
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Future technologies vocab
Match the vocabulary words to the corresponding definition
Ordenar Letras
Priorities C11U8LA
Order the letters to form the correct word which answers the question
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Superstitions voc C14U6LB
Match the vocabulary words with their corresponding image
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Dilemmas vocabulary C20U10LA1
Match the vocabulary words with the corresponding image
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Science Vocabulary C11A21 U3LA
Match the vocabulary words to their correct meaning
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Modals vocabulary C9A17 LB1
Match the vocabulary words with the correct image or definition
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C9A-17 Personality vocabulary
Match the vocabulary words with the corresponding images
Relacionar Columnas
C 18 Voc U6 LB1
Match the vocabulary expressions to their corresponding definition