Modal Verbs / Speculation
CrucigramaWrite the right words.
Animals Vocabulay
Relacionar ColumnasConnect the pictures
DictadoWrite what you hear.
Completar frasesComplete the paragraph.
Superlatives - Vocabulary
Sopa de letrasVocabulary all kind of vehicles, find it.
Sopa de letrasFind the words.
Be going to
DictadoBe going to sentences
Be going to - Vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasVocabulary food - Match the words with the pictures.
Be going to
Completar frasesuses and Structure.
Be Going to - Vocabulary
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary words.
Past continuous - Vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words.
Past continuous.
Completar frasesComplete the paragraph with the correct answers.
Past Continuous - Vocabulary
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary ( Countries ) and the parts of the structure for do past continuous.
Countable and Uncountable - Vo
Sopa de letrasfind the words.
Countable and Uncountable - Vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the word with the picture.
Countable and Uncountable.
Completar frasesComplete the paragraph with the correct words.
Countable and Uncountable
Sopa de letrasFind Animals and Animal´s Food.
Past Simple Be.
Sopa de letrasFind the to be form in the past, for negative, positive, and question, also their contractions, besides, find important things like, question mark, and period.
vocabulary and past simple be
Completar frasesvocabulary and past simple be
Vocabulary and Past Simple Be
Sopa de letrasFind the Countries and the verb to be in the past.
Vocabulary Places.
Sopa de letrasA simple game for try your knowledge