Ruleta de Palabras
English vocabulary (Revision)
Vocabulary revision: Animals, adjectives (oppossites, comparative and superlative), body parts, family members, jobs, verbs (present/past), school objects and more...
Memory game: actions: jump, run. walk, swim, ride a bike, sing, dance, etc
Ruleta de Palabras
English vocabulary (Teens 2)
General vocabulary: Food, illneses, Verbs (present and past tenses), adjectives (comparative and superlative), jobs, family members, etc..
Ruleta de Palabras
English vocabulary (teens)
General vocabulary: - colours, numbers, verbs, animals, body parts, clothes, adjectives, family members...
Ruleta de Palabras
English vocabulary (kids/junior)
General vocanulary: animals, parts of the house, body, clothes, colours, family members, jobs...