Christmas Vocabulary Challenge
Ruleta de PalabrasGuess the Christmas-themed words from their definitions, one letter at a time!
Saving our planet
Ruleta de PalabrasVocabulary related to environment and recycling
Ruleta de Palabrasall words are related to the environment.
All about money UNIT 8 Lead the way
Ordenar LetrasVocabulary UNIT 8 Lead the way
The respiratory system
Relacionar Columnas5th Grade
Giving advice
Ordenar Palabrasorder the words
Have you ever
Ordenar PalabrasPut the words in the correct order
Conectores textuales
Completar frasesCompleta las frases con los conectores correspondientes.
Tipos de textos
Relacionar ColumnasRelaciona los tipos de textos con sus definiciones.
Ruleta de PalabrasEscribe la palabra correcta
Irregular verbs_Carlota
CrucigramaWrite the correct verb tense
Agudas, llanas o esdrújulas
Relacionar GruposClasifica las palabras según su sílaba tónica.
Paleolítico vs. Neolítico
Relacionar GruposColoca las características en la época correcta.
Have to
Ordenar PalabrasPlace the words in the correct order.
Guess the job
Ruleta de PalabrasType the job being described.
Fashion & clothes (3 ESO)
Ruleta de PalabrasType the word defined.
Future simple: will
Ordenar PalabrasWrite the words in the correct order.
Unit 7: Places in town
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pictures to the words
Sopa de letrasFind 8 different materials
Opposite Adjectives_Easy
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the opposite words
February Vocabulary Test_Lucía
Ruleta de PalabrasTranslate the following words into English.
Irregular & Regular Verbs
Ruleta de PalabrasWrite the correct verb
Personality adjectives
MemoryMatch the opposites
Living things_Rubén
Ordenar LetrasPlace the letters in order
Vital functions_David
Ordenar LetrasPlace the letters in order
La Tardor
Ordenar LetrasOrdena les lletres.
Services in town & nationalities 26/10
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the following questions
C1_Work vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words/phrases to their meanings.
Choose the right preposition.
Mots en català
Ruleta de PalabrasTradueix les següents paraules
Verb suffixes_1
Ruleta de PalabrasWrite the verbs of the following adjectives or nouns.
Verb suffixes_2
Ruleta de PalabrasWrite the verb of the following nouns or adjectives.
Services in town & nationalities 07/03
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the following questions
Logistics Vocab 0608
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the questions
30 July Logistics
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the questions.
9 July (Tourism)
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the following questions
1 July (Tourism)
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the following questions
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the following questions
17 June
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the following questions
Business Activities 2
Ruleta de PalabrasWrite the correct answer. Pay attention to the spelling!
Business Activities 1
Ruleta de PalabrasWrite the correct answer. Pay attention to the spelling!
Yago vocabulary
Ruleta de PalabrasWrite the words
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the following questions
Ruleta de PalabrasWhat is the adjective being described?
Logistics_09 April
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the questions
24 March Logistics
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the questions.
Friday 5 March (Logistics)
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the following questions
Friday 26 February (Tourism)
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the following questions
Describing places
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the questions
Units 4 and 5_Dani
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the vocabulary questions
Present Simple or Continuous
Completar frasesFill in the gaps with the correct verb tense
10 February
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the following questions
EfCC_ Friday 15 January
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the following questions.
Christmas Vocabulary
Ruleta de PalabrasWhat words are being defined?
EfT_Thursday 5 Nov
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the following questions.
12 August
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the questions
25 February_Logistics
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the questions.
Finance vocabulary
Ruleta de PalabrasClick on the letter and answer the question.
Friday 23 Oct (Tourism)
Ruleta de PalabrasAnswer the following questions
Prepositions quiz
TestChoose the right preposition
Vocabulary Review
Ruleta de Palabras1st ESO vocabulary review
Salta la cabra
Ruleta de PalabrasMiscelánea