Varias frutas
Relacionar ColumnasUne la fruta y el audio.
Frutas y animales
Relacionar ColumnasLittle ones
Animales y colores
Relacionar ColumnasUnir el animal con el color.
Los colores y las frutas
Relacionar ColumnasUnir las frutas con sus colores.
Vocabulario colores
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the color with the sound.
Vocabulario adjetivos
Relacionar ColumnasPractice vocabulary with this memory game.
Words in context Unit 9
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the correct word with the picture.
Vocabulary Unit 11
Relacionar ColumnasRead and listen to the word and choose the correct picture.
Vocabulary Unit 16
Relacionar ColumnasMemory game Monday 14
Vocabulary Unit 15
Relacionar ColumnasAugust 2
Words in Context
CrucigramaUnit 15 vocabulary Wednesday, August 18th
Words in context Unit 9
Completar frasesWrite the words in the correct sentences. July 20
Vocabulary Units 9-10
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the word and the picture. July 21
The Kingdom of Happiness
MemoryMatched pairs of the new vocabulary. June 22
Vocabulary # 2
CrucigramaJune 22
Order the sentence
Ordenar PalabrasLine of Inquiry
Line Of Inquiry
Ordenar PalabrasTheme 3
Attributes Unit 1
Relacionar ColumnasThe IB learner profile prepares our students to make singular contributions to our community.
You Are Special
Completar frasesYou Are Special by Max Lucado Illustrated by Sergio Martinez
Attributes Activity 2
CrucigramaUnit 1: The IB learner profile prepares our students to make singular contributions to our community.