House Parts
Mapa InteractivoMatch the name with the correct room
English assessment for measuring their knowledge and optimazing the development of teaching learning process
English assessment for measuring their knowledge and optimazing the development of teaching learning process
English assessment for measuring their knowledge and optimazing the development of teaching learning process
Moisés experimenta el amor
MemorySe realiza un repaso de la leccion 6 Moises Busca alimento y clama a Dios
L5 Se Manifiesta el Amor
AdivinanzaRepaso Lección 5 Recordamos el Exilio Israel Sale de Egipto
English assessment for measuring their knowledge and optimazing the development of teaching learning process
English assessment for measuring their knowledge and optimazing the development of teaching learning process
English assessment for measuring their knowledge and optimazing the development of teaching learning process
English assessment for measuring their knowledge and optimazing the development of teaching learning process
English assessment for measuring their knowledge and optimazing the development of teaching learning process
English assessment for measuring their knowledge and optimazing the development of teaching learning process
English assessment for measuring their knowledge and optimazing the development of teaching learning process
English assessment for measuring their knowledge and optimazing the development of teaching learning process
English assessment for measuring their knowledge and optimazing the development of teaching learning process
Moisés saca de Egipto al Pueblo de Dios -Asocia las imágenes - Dios estará con nosotros siempre
Prueba y Sufirimiento Leccion2
AdivinanzaPadre, si quieres, no me hagas beber este trago amargo; pero no se cumpla mi voluntad, sino la tuya"
School Supplies.-Listen and Check
Mapa InteractivoThis activity will strengthen skills such as listening and vocabulary
Quiz 2° EGB
TestEvaluation of contents iabout numbers, adjectives and commands
Match Pictures with words Emo
Relacionar ColumnasActivity for any kind of students in order to understand all about feelings and emotions
Relacionar ColumnasMatch words with the corresponding pictures
Daily Activities
Relacionar ColumnasMatch words with pictures
Body parts EGB.-Listen & Match
Mapa InteractivoListen and match according to the pictures
Body Parts
Mapa InteractivoMatch body parts according with you list
Occupations & Professions
CrucigramaLook at the pictures and write
CrucigramaLook and Complete the crossword puzzle
Sopa de letrasFind the fruits in the following Word search
MemoryLOok and match
CrucigramaWrite the numbers
Mapa InteractivoTick according to the sound
Family Members
Mapa InteractivoListen and Choose family member
MemoryMake pairs words with pictures
Parts of the Head
Relacionar ColumnasMatch Pictures with the corresponding Words
Professions and Occupations
Relacionar ColumnasMatch words with pictures
Actions verbs
MemoryMatch pictures English activity for Elementary School PC
Resumen 2
MemoryActividad lúdica para niños 8-12
Jesús y la pesca Milagrosa
Relacionar ColumnasActividad interactiva destinada a niños de 4-7 años basado en el libro de Lucas 5
Actividad lúdica para niños de 4-7 años basada en el evangelio de Lucas Cap 4: versos 3-20
Tentaciones y victorias Jesus
Video QuizActividad lúdica para niños de 4-7 años basada en el evangelio de Lucas 4:3-13
School Objects.- Match Pictures with words
Relacionar ColumnasThe following exercise is for practicing school supplies vocabulary and wrting skills
Nacimiento de Juan
Mapa InteractivoClickea segun corresponda
Daily Activities
Mapa InteractivoLISTEN AND MATCH
Nacimiento de Juan
Relacionar GruposAsocie cada palabra según el Evangelio de Lucas Cap 1
Historias Biblicas
Verbo Kids
Relacionar ColumnasAsocie Valores con figuras
Ordenar PalabrasOrdena las palabras
Descubre el personaje de Lucas
CrucigramaAcierta quienes son los personajes de la Historia de Lucas 1;5-25
Descubre el personaje de Lucas
AdivinanzaDescubre el Personaje de Lucas
La importancia de los Niñ@s
Completar frasesCompleta el versiculo Mateo 19:14
Historias Biblicas
MemoryHacer coincidir la imagen con su respectivo nombre