English for Accounting
Ruleta de PalabrasHow many words can you guess?
Idioms to describe emotions
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the two halves
Prepare 3 - Personality
Sopa de letrasFind 8 adjectives to describe personality
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pictures to the correct expressions
Stress out - Vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words from the article STRESS OUT to their definitions
Manners and gestures
Completar frasesFill in the blanks to make phrases to do with manners and gestures
Relacionar GruposWhich phrases do you usually use at the beginning and at the end of emails?
Let's talk about money
Relacionar GruposMatch the two halves of idioms to do with money
Managers - adjectives
Relacionar GruposClassify the adjectives into positive and negative
Describing jobs
CrucigramaRead the clues and complete the crossword with the opposites.
English adjectives for Jobs
CrucigramaRead the clues and complete the crossword
Career Break
CrucigramaRead the definitions and complete the crossword with the right words.
How I met Myself - Chapter 14
CrucigramaRead the clues and complete the crossword
Irregular verbs
Relacionar GruposMatch the infinitive to the past tense