Animals riddles
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the animal with the description
TestListen about three projects
Country quiz
Completar fraseslistening exercise
Relacionar GruposTriadic definition of self-regulation
Wrap up true false
TestLook the fridge and choose the correct option
Wrap up
Completar frasessecond class
Shopping list
TestCountable and uncountable
Choose the correct description for the image
Correct description
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the image with the correct description
Places in the city
Sopa de letrasFind the places we studied in the lesson
Complete the paragraph
Completar frasesComplete the text with the correct form of the words: actually, ordinary, stories, familiar, character, career, curious.
Write the conversation (D)
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the lines
Write the conversation
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the lines
Present or past?
TestChoose the correct option
Expression times
Relacionar GruposMatch the expression times with their definition.
Present perfect vs Past simple
Completar frasesWrite in front of each sentence if it talks about general experience or things that happened at a specific time in the past.