Relacionar ColumnasOscar Wilde's tales
The tell tale heart
CrucigramaCuento de Edgar Allan Poe
past simple with shrek
MemoryPast simple with shrek related with some previous flashcards and a power point presentation
Ruleta de PalabrasVerbs known by sophie
Wh questions
MemoryThis game pretends to reinforce the wh questions topic
MemoryVocabulary about emotions
Social Language
CrucigramaKey concepts of three readings that are focused on social langauge.
Language acquisition
Semantic Triangle and LA
CrucigramaSemantic Triangle and LA reading
Beyond the tip of the iceberg.
CrucigramaSome key concepts of the reading
Vocabulary video
Video QuizThrough this video students are suppos to understand new vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasRelacionar los colores con elementos que a los niños les llame la atención oara que sea más fácil para ellos interiorizarlos.
TestAn introduction about what is e-book, and what are the advantages and disadvantages
Ruleta de PalabrasTo introduce new animals and to remember old ones, throgh this activity which allows introduce unknown animals.