Passive voice - Simple tenses
Ordenar PalabrasPassive voice - Simple tenses
Present perfect continuous
Ordenar PalabrasPresent perfect continuous
Present simple, present perfect and past simple
Ordenar PalabrasPresent simple, present perfect and past simple
Transportation verbs
Completar frasesTransportation verbs
Since and for - Present perfect
Ordenar PalabrasSince and for - Present perfect
How many/ How much
Relacionar ColumnasHow many/ How much
Frequency adverbs
Mapa InteractivoFrequency adverbs
Parts of the body
Sopa de letrasParts of the body
Parts of the face
CrucigramaParts of the face
Present continuous
Completar frasesPresent continuous
Healthy food?
Sí o NoHealthy food?
Relacionar ColumnasDrinks
Food crossword
CrucigramaFood crossword
Mapa InteractivoLearn the vocabulary related to Vegetables
Mapa InteractivoLearn the vocabulary related to fruits
Repaso del segundo punto de vocabulario: daily activities. Tema 2 1º ESO
Free time activities
MemoryFree time activities
Vocabulary game
Ordenar LetrasVocabulary game
Unscramble the Past Simple Questions
Ordenar PalabrasTest your knowledge of past simple questions by unscrambling the words!
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the descriptions to the words
Crimes and thefts
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to their meanings
Passive voice matching
Relacionar ColumnasPassive voice matching exercise
Past continuous #2
Completar frasesComplete the text
Was - Were #3 - 7thB
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the questions to the correct answers
Was - Were #3 - 7thA
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the questions to the correct answers
Was - Were #3 - 7thC
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the questions to the correct answers
Was - Were #2 - 7thC
Completar frasesFill in the gaps
Was - Were #2 - 7thB
Completar frasesFill in the gaps
Was - Were #2 - 7thA
Completar frasesFill in the gaps
Was - Were 7thC
Completar frasesFill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be into the past simple
Was - Were 7thB
Completar frasesFill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be into the past simple
Was - Were 7thA
Completar frasesFill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be into the past simple