Present simple verbs for she, he and it
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct option to complete the sentences.
Formación de liderazgo
Ordenar PalabrasOrdena la palabras que describen características de un líder
Relacionar ColumnasMatch to the correct meaning.
Past tenses
Relacionar ColumnasRead the sentences and match them to the correct image.
The bum: vocabulary 2
Relacionar ColumnasMatch de words to their correct meaning
The bum: vocabulary
Sopa de letrasFind words used in "The bum"
Famous Mexicans
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the image to the short description
CrucigramaYou will identify some owrds from the TED video: The sore problem of prosthetic limbs
Irregular verbs
Sopa de letrasDe la lista de verbos irregulares, identifica en la sopa de letras cómo se escribe en pasado. Puedes apoyarte de tus apuntes o tabla de verbos.