CrucigramaLook at the pictures. Write the correct word.
Froggy JumpsLook at the picture. Choose the correct word.
Numbers 2
Sopa de letrasFind numbers in this letter soup!
Numbers Crossword!
CrucigramaLook at the pictures and complete the crossword
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the number with its name!
Countable nouns
Sopa de letrasFind countable nouns in the letter soup!
Uncountable nouns
CrucigramaComplete the crossword looking at the pictures!
Holidays Memory Game!
MemoryMatch the pictures with the correct word!
Holiday practice!
CrucigramaLook at the pictures and write words related to holidays
Sopa de letrasFind words related to holidays!
Routines 2
CrucigramaCompletá el crucigrama mirando las fotos
Relacionar ColumnasUní con flechas las expresiones de tiempo con su expresión en castellano
Routines Vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasEncontrá las actividades de todos los días y su foto
Possessive Adjectives
Sopa de letrasFind the possessive adjectives!
Sopa de letrasfind shapes
Classroom vocabulary
CrucigramaLook at the pictures to complete the crossword with classroom vocabulary
Vocabulary 2!
CrucigramaLook at the photos to complete the words!
Sopa de letrasFind the words in the letter soup!
Review 2!
MemoryMatch the images with the correct sentences!
Sopa de letrasFind words that we learnt during the first part of the year!
Feelings Game!
MemoryMatch the feelings with the correct picture!!
Feelings crossword!
CrucigramaLook at the picture and guess the word!
Feelings matching game!
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the feelings with the right pictures!
Sopa de letrasFind feelings in the crossword!
CrucigramaRead the questions with the answers and guess the word that is missing!
Matching Game!
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the questions with the right answers!
Making questions
DiálogoListen to Mark and her sister, Sofía!
WH Words!
Sopa de letrasFind question words!
Present Simple
Sopa de letrasFind everyday activities in the word search puzzle
Everyday Activities
CrucigramaCrossword with Daily Activities
Daily Activities
Sopa de letrasFind Daily activities in the puzzle.
Daily Routines
MemoryPresent Simple Activity