Passive voice PRESENT AND PAST (simple) (D)
Ordenar PalabrasPassive voice PRESENT AND PAST (simple)
Past simple vs past continuous (D)
Completar frasesRepasar pasado simple y pasado continuo en inglés
Present simple/present continuous. (D)
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct option to get out of the water.
Present continuous (D) (D)
Relacionar ColumnasPresent continuous
Crossword about inventions
CrucigramaComplete the crossword with inventions.
Amazing dolphins
Completar frasesComplete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets or to be, have got, can, must, mustn't, should, shouldn't, or as...as.
Conversation ab the cinema
Completar frasesConversation about going to the cinema
Vocabulary revision 3ESO
Completar frasesTexto para completar con vocabulario
Vocabulary revision 3
CrucigramaCrossword with vocabulary of units 1,2,3
Vocabulary revision 2
Relacionar ColumnasWrite the words or phrases in the correct group.
Vocabulary revision units1,2,3
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sentences with the words and phrases.