
Sus juegos

  • Ordenar Letras

    muslim art

    Ordenar Letras

    is an activity about the muslim art during the 11th and 15th centuries

  • Mapa Interactivo

    gothic art

    Mapa Interactivo

    is an activity about the gothic architecture

  • Mapa Interactivo

    caliphate of córdoba

    Mapa Interactivo

    this is an activity about yhe caliphate of cordoba

  • Relacionar Grupos

    christian art

    Relacionar Grupos

    is a activity about the art an culture in chrstian areas

  • Presentación

    black death


    is a presentation about the black death

  • Sopa de letras

    unit 5

    Sopa de letras

    is a wordsearch puzzle of cities,the middle class and cathedrals.