what can we learn from Shrek
Video Quizsome questions and words to remember
food - elementary
Completar frasesWhat have they got?
common action verbs
Mapa Interactivodo you know this common verbs?
Relacionar Columnasholiday words
Traslate - Vile - D. Podsiadło
Relacionar ColumnasTransate into polish
Pronouns - Vile - D. Podsiadło
Completar frasesInsert appropriate pronoun.
Vile - Dawid Podsiadło
Video QuizListen to the song and try to fill out sentences.
Reading excercise
TestDecide if it's true or false.
Is she Polish?
Testexcercise to practice writing answers
have got/ to be/ can
Video QuizExcercise