Personal Information Wordsearch
Sopa de letrasFind words related to personal information. (name, age, etc)
Present perfect: past participles
CrucigramaRead the questions and complete them with the right past participle. You may use a dictionary or the list of irregular verbs in English.
Mots-croisés: la famille
CrucigramaLisez la description et tapez le membre de la famille.
Amando sin fronteras
Sopa de letrassopa de letras
Les parties du corps
CrucigramaComplétez le mots croisés avec le vocabulaire des parties du corps.
Le jeu de la grenouille: la famille
Froggy JumpsLisez les questions et choisissez la bonne réponse.
Les lieux de la ville
CrucigramaObservez les images et complétez les mots croisés. Utilisez le dictionnaire si c'est necessaire.
Les nationalités
Sopa de letrasCherchez dans ce mots-mêlés 15 nationalités en français.
Les nationalités
Sopa de letrasCherchez dans ce mots-mêlés 15 nationalités en français.
Vocabulaire: fait divers
Sopa de letrasCherchez dans le mot mêlés 15 mots liés au faits divers.
Vocabulaire: voyages
Sopa de letrasTrouvez ici des mots lié aux voyages
Body parts crossword
Sopa de letrasFind 15 words related to body parts
Lifestyle adjectives
Sopa de letrasFind in the following wordsearch 12 adjectives to describe lifestyles and personalities.
Urban Tribes
Sopa de letrasFind in the following wordsearch the names of different urban tribes.
CrucigramaFind 10 words related to hobbies.
Sopa de letrasFind in the following wordsearch terms related with the types of communication.
The city and its places
Sopa de letrasFind vocabulary related with places of the city.
Subjects at school
Sopa de letrasFind in the following worsearch the vocabulary related to the subjects at school.
Sopa de letrasFind in the following wordsearch movie genres.
Adverbs of manner
Sopa de letrasFind in the wordsearch 15 adverbs of manner.
Sopa de letrasFind the words related with free time activities and hobbies.
Places of the city
CrucigramaRead the clues and write the places of the city
Jobs and occupations
Sopa de letrasFind out the vocabulary related to jobs, professions and occupations.
Personality traits
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary related with personality traits.
Sopa de letrasFind in the wordsearch 15 words related to types of houses and furniture.
Types of communication.
Sopa de letrasFind out in the wordsearch different types of communication worked in class.