
Sus juegos

  • Relacionar Columnas


    Relacionar Columnas

    Listen and match the dates

  • Relacionar Columnas

    What time is it?

    Relacionar Columnas

    Listen to the time and match with the correct clock.

  • Crucigrama

    Fun with Numbers


    Write the numbers in words.

  • Relacionar Columnas

    Daily routines and chores at home

    Relacionar Columnas

    Match the pictures with the actions.

  • Relacionar Columnas

    How do I help at home?

    Relacionar Columnas

    Match the actions with the pictures.

  • Sopa de letras

    This is a word search where you can find words related to values that emerge during the Covid-19 Pandemia. The words are written from left to right or up to down.

  • Crucigrama

    Find the daily routine actions according to the picture. WAKE UP - BRUSH MY TEETH - TAKE A BATH - HAVE BREAKFAST - DO MY HOMEWORK - READ A BOOK - GO TO BED - GET DRESSED