Client Connection Unscramble
Ordenar LetrasTest your skills by unscrambling words related to client interactions and business relationships.
Desembaralhe a Música
Ordenar LetrasTeste seus conhecimentos sobre o mundo musical com este jogo de palavras embaralhadas.
Office Environment Crossword
CrucigramaTest your knowledge of common items found in a workplace setting.
Ordenar LetrasAULA DE PORT
Urban Delights Unscramble
Ordenar LetrasTest your skills by rearranging letters related to city life and dining experiences.
Aviation Unscramble Challenge
Ordenar LetrasTest your knowledge of air travel terms by unscrambling these related words!
Urban Exploration Unscramble
Ordenar LetrasTest your skills by unscrambling words related to cultural and recreational spaces in the city.
Office Object Unscramble
Ordenar LetrasTest your skills by unscrambling words related to common office items.
Animal and Food Unscramble Challenge
Ordenar LetrasTest your skills by unscrambling words related to pets and delicious meals!
Food Delights Memory Game
MemoryTest your memory with this delicious food-themed memory game. Match the tasty treats to win!
Restaurant Vocabulary Matching Game
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the restaurant-related concepts with their descriptions in this fun and educational game!
Daily Routine Memory Match
MemoryMatch the daily routine activities in this fun memory cards game. Can you remember the sequence?
Travelling Tips
MemoryYou can find vocabulary related to travelling
Nationalities Crossword
CrucigramaTest your knowledge of countries and languages in this crossword puzzle!
Restaurant Vocabulary Matching Game
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the restaurant-related concepts with their descriptions in this fun and educational game!
Travel Crossword Puzzle
CrucigramaSolve this crossword puzzle related to travel.
Ordenar Letrasconeta as profissões
Pretérito Perfeito Simples do
Relacionar GruposLembre-se: usamos o Pretérito Perfeito Simples do Indicativo para exprimir ações totalmente realizadas e terminadas num tempo passado.
vocabulário hotel
Ordenar Letraspratique o vocabulário usado em um hotel
Desafio de Desembaralhar: Partes da Cidade
Ordenar LetrasTeste seu conhecimento sobre partes da cidade neste jogo de desembaralhar letras!
Datas Importantes no Brasil
Relacionar ColumnasCombine os pares corretos e aprenda sobre datas importantes na história do Brasil.
ordinal numbers 21 - 30
Completar frasesordinal numbers 21 - 30
memory game alphabet
Memorymemory game tfla
NUMBERS 1 - 10
happy campers
Memorymemory game activity
Relacionar Columnasgood FC3b
FC3B Talking about people
Sopa de letrasFC3B Talking about people
MemoryMemory game vocab