ふらいんぐうぃっち3 クイズ
Froggy Jumps「ふらいんぐうぃっち3」に関するクイズゲーム。主要なキャラクターやストーリーに関する質問を楽しんでください。
Japanese Holidays Practice
Froggy JumpsMatch the hiragana with the holiday
Japanese Holidays
Froggy JumpsMatch the hiragana with the holiday
Japanese abilities
Crucigramareview vocabulary used to introduce your family members
Japanese Days of the Week
CrucigramaFill in the days in romaji
Numbers questions
DiálogoCan you answer the questions correctly?
Japanese food
CrucigramaPractice the names of Japanese food
Cross check
CrucigramaSolve the puzzle and take the first letter in order as the unlock code.
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the html code with the correct list displayed
Banzai financial
Crucigramaactivities at teachbanzai.com
Japanese Family
CrucigramaInsert the Japanese term for the family member (using terms used for other people's family members)
CrucigramaPractice Japanese weather
Doko desu ka
Mapa InteractivoClick the correct country
Troubleshooting Basics
CrucigramaFirst steps when stuff goes wrong
Japanese Word Sort
Relacionar GruposSort the words into the correct meals (please note: These foods would be in KATAKANA)
Clothing Question 5
TestAnswer the question
Clothing Question 4
Ordenar PalabrasHow do you ask this question?
Clothing Question 3
Ordenar PalabrasArrange the words in order to make a question
Clothing Question 2
Ordenar PalabrasArrange the sentence in the correct order to make a question
Clothing questions
Ordenar PalabrasArrange the sentence to make a question
Stem Changing Vowels3
Relacionar GruposMatch up 3 elements: The pronoun and infinitive The correct form of the verb The meaning
Stem changing vowels2
Relacionar GruposMatch up three elements: The pronoun and infinitive The correct form of the verb The meaning
Stem changing vowels
Relacionar GruposMatch up three items: The pronoun and infinitive the correct form of the verb the meaning
Relacionar GruposMatch the words
Chores Crossword
CrucigramaFill in the crossword
Chores Pictures
Mapa InteractivoMatch the word with the picture
Relacionar GruposMatch up the chores
Relacionar GruposMatch up the English with the German
DiálogoHow would you ask for items you might need?
Japanese Fruits/Veggies
CrucigramaFill in the crossword with the appropriate vocabulary
Cities in Japan
Mapa InteractivoWhere are the cities?
Ein, Mein, Dein
Relacionar GruposMatch up according to which word you would use
Ein Mein Dein
Relacionar GruposGroup the words according to which they would use
A, Mine, Your
Relacionar GruposMatch up the possessive with the word
Indefinite articles2
Completar frasesChoose the correct indefinite article. No gender hints!
Indefinite article
Completar frasesFill in the correct indefinite article
CrucigramaFind the words
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions
Mapa InteractivoChoose where the language is spoken