Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Relacionar ColumnasHow can we reduce our eco-footprint? This activity is based on the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OasbYWF4_S8
Present Perfect Tense
Completar frasesComplete the sentences using the present perfect tense
Present perfect
Completar frasesFill in the blanks with the present perfect structure.
My Ecological Footprint 8
DiálogoListening Practice Identify general and specific information in a short text about ecological footprints in simple language. Referencias Ministerio de Educación Nacional (s.f...
My Ecological Footprint-gap2
Completar frasesIdentify general and specific information in a short text about ecological footprints written in simple language. Ministerio de Educación Nacional (s.f.). Way to go 8th grade,. Bogotá D.C. Colo...
My Ecological Footprint
DiálogoListening Practice Identify general and specific information in a short text about ecological footprints in simple language. Referencias Ministerio de Educación Nacional (s.f...
Ing Verbs
Ruleta de PalabrasBe careful with your spelling when writing the verbs in the "ING" form.
Past Continuous - Explanation
Video QuizPast continuous structure.
Past Continuous - gap filling
Video QuizFill in the blanks using the past continuous