Imagine - John Lenon
Video QuizWatch the video song imagine and answer the questions as you go along.
Chris Columbus
Video QuizWatch the video about the famous movie director chris columbus as you answer the questions shown.
Piet Mondrian
Video QuizVe el video y contesta las preguntas sobre el mismo.
Video QuizVer video y contestar las preguntas que aparecen en el.
Think in English
Video QuizWatch the whole video and answer the questions as you on.
Explaining words quiz
Completar frasesComplete the sentences using the options given.
Ordenar PalabrasPut the words in the correct order to make a sentence
TS Video 1-3
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions with complete sentences.
TS video quiz 2
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions given.
TS episode 1 act 1
Video QuizWatch the video as you answer the questions.
Matching questions L1 U8
Relacionar ColumnasRead the questions and match them with the corrext answwers.
Simple past vs Past continuous
Video QuizWatch the pixar movie clips and complete the setences.
Like to, want to
Video QuizWith this activity you will be able to practice like to, want to, need to, have to.
Clothes Unit 8
CrucigramaYou get to practice clothes vocabulary using pictures.
Alphabet practice
DictadoListen to the audio and write the correct words