
Sus juegos

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  • Video Quiz
    Video Quiz

    Circulatory system

    How the circulatory system works

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas


    Practice the vocabulary

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas


    Identify the antonyms

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Vocabulary 2

    Identify the vocabulary of the getting the job done

  • Crucigrama


    Identify all the synonyms of good

  • Relacionar Grupos
    Relacionar Grupos

    Multiple meaning words.

    Identifly words that have the same spelling and usually sound alike, but have different meanings

  • Presentación

    Students identify and practice blends with l phonics

  • Video Quiz
    Video Quiz

    Measure Time

    Identify 2 instruments for measuring time