DIBM_U8_Business Statistics - Activity 1 (D)
Relacionar GruposGroup under right category
CIBM-U7S20 : Accounting - Activity 1
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the descriptions given with correct words
CIBM-U7S19 : Accounting - Activity 2
Completar frasesFill the blanks using the appropriate keywords.
CIBM-U7S19 : Accounting - Activity 1
CrucigramaIdentify the correct words in the puzzle
CIBM-U6S18 : Business Communication - Activity 3
Completar frasesFilling the blanks
CIBM-U4S13 : HRM - Activity 1
Relacionar ColumnasMatch suitable words from the descriptions given in the other side
CIBM-U4S12 : HRM - Activity 2
Relacionar ColumnasMarch the correct description from the next column
CIBM-U4S12 : HRM - Activity 1
Relacionar ColumnasSelect the answer for the question from the column
CIBM-U3S9 : Economics - Activity 2
Completar frasesFill the blanks with the key words
CIBM-U3W9 : Economics - Activity 1
CrucigramaFill puzzle with the correct words
CIBM-U2S6 : Management - Activity 1
CrucigramaComplete the puzzle
CIBM-U2S5 : Management - Activity 1
Completar frasesFill the blanks with suitable words
CIBM - U2S4 : Management - Activity 2
Relacionar GruposSelect all the related words in the group
CIBM - U2S4 : Management - Activity 1
Relacionar GruposSelect all the related words in the group
CIBM - U1S3 : Introduction - Activity 4
Relacionar GruposMatching the factors to the right category of Business Growth
CIBM : U1S2 - Introduction - Activity 2
Relacionar GruposGroup these characteristics under the correct business type
CIBM - U1S1 : Introduction - Activity 1
Relacionar GruposMatching the factors to the right category of Environment and Stakeholder group
DIM_U1_S1_Activity 4
Mapa InteractivoGo through the questions and fill the blanks in the given picture
Relacionar Gruposmatch the group of elements correctly
CrucigramaCross word puzzle
DIM_U10_Activity 1
Relacionar GruposIdentify the off-page and on-page optimization
U9_Activity 1_Int.Market Plan
Relacionar GruposIdentifying the levels of international marketing plan
U4_Activity 1_catagories of re
Relacionar GruposIdentify the categories of research
Relacionar ColumnasMatch Column A names with Column B descriptors
Relacionar ColumnasMatch Column A names with Column B descriptors
CrucigramaSolve the Puzzle
Relacionar ColumnasOrder the below so as to match the consumer Buying behavior ( please match )
Completar frasesComplete this text
Relacionar GruposChoose the inappropriate word
Mapa InteractivoFill the Below with appropriate words using 5 forces model
Completar frasesFill in the Blanks
Relacionar ColumnasOrder the correct process of competitor analysis
Completar frasesDiploma in Marketing unit 1, session 2, activity 2
Relacionar GruposDiploma in Marketing unit 1, session 2, activity 1
CrucigramaDiploma in Marketing Unit 1 activity 2
Completar frasesDiploma in Marketing unit 1 activity 1
U8_DIM_Activity 2_ Selling Pro
Completar frasesComplete this text
U8_DIM _Activity 1_Process of
Relacionar ColumnasMatch Column A names with Column B descriptors
U8_DIM _Activity 1_Sales
Relacionar ColumnasMatch Column A names with Column B descriptors
U2_DIM_Activity 3_Puzzel
CrucigramaComplete the puzzle using suitable words using the hints
U2_DIM_Activity 2_ Marketing M
Completar frasesComplete this text
U2_DIM _Activity 1_Production
Relacionar ColumnasMatch Column A names with Column B descriptors
U3_DIM_Activity 3_Crossword Pu
CrucigramaComplete the puzzle using suitable words using the hints
U3_DIM_Activity 2_ Targeting
Completar frasesComplete this text
U3_DIM_Activity 1_Segmentation
Relacionar GruposGroup these factors as Personal, Psychological, Cultural and Social factors
Mapa InteractivoIdentify each components of Ansoff matrix
Completar frasesFill all the blanks with correct word
CrucigramaComplete the puzzle
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the correct decryption
Relacionar GruposMatch the elements with the correct description
Relacionar GruposMatch correct elements
web Technology
Testweb tec
Relacionar ColumnasMatch Column A names with Column B descriptors
CrucigramaComplete the puzzle using suitable words using the hints
Relacionar GruposGroup these factors as Geographical Area, Time, Position of sellers, Subject matter of sale
DIBM_U6_MM_W14_Activity2_Core concepts
Relacionar ColumnasMatch Column A names with Column B descriptors
Sopa de letrasSelect the terms and key words
Completar frasesFill the blanks in the given context
CrucigramaFind the correct word in the puzzle
Completar frasesIdentify the correct words of the paragraph
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sentences with the correct word
CrucigramaFind the correct word in the puzzle
Relacionar ColumnasMatch correct word which describes the sentence given
Completar frasesFill the blanks with correct word
Completar frasesFill the missing words
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the Correct descriptions for the given words
TestHTML Questions
Mapa InteractivoListen to the recording and identify and name the categories on the correct stakeholders group
Mapa InteractivoIdentify the categories of Types of Business
DIBM_U1_Intro_W1_Activity 2
CrucigramaComplete the puzzle using suitable words using the hints
DIBM_U4_HRM_W11_Activity 3
Completar frasesComplete this text
DIBM_U4_HRM_W10_Activity 3
CrucigramaComplete the puzzle using suitable words using the hints
DIBM_U4_HRM_W11_Activity 3
Completar frasesComplete this text
DIBM_U4_HRM_W09_Activity 2
Relacionar ColumnasMatch Column A names with Column B descriptors
DIBM_U6_Business Communication_W1_Activity 1
Completar frasesFill the blanks in the paragraph
DIBM_U2_Management_W6_Activity 1
CrucigramaComplete the puzzle
DIBM_U2_Management_W5_Activity 1
Completar frasesFill the blanks with suitable words
DIBM_U2_Management_W4_Activity 1
Relacionar GruposSelect all the related words in the group
DIBM_U2_Management_W4_Activity 2
Relacionar GruposSelect all the related words in the group
DIBM_U5_Strategy_W13_Activity 1
Completar frasesFill the blanks in the given text
DIBM_U5_Strategy_W13_Activity 2
CrucigramaComplete the puzzle using suitable words using the hints
DIBM_U5_Strategy_W12_Activity 1
Completar frasesFill the missing words in the giving context
DIBM_U7_Accounting_Activity 3
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the descriptions given with correct words
DIBM_U3_Economics_W7_Activity 1
CrucigramaFill puzzle with the correct words
DIBM_U3_Economics_W7_Activity 2
Completar frasesFill the blanks with the key words.
DIBM_U7_Accounting_Activity 2
Completar frasesFill the blanks using the appropriate keywords.
DIBM_U6_Marketing_W16_Activity 1
CrucigramaComplete the puzzle using suitable words using the hints
DIBM_U6_Marketing_W16_Activity 2
Completar frasesComplete this text : Give the text description here and mark the words to be left as blank in BOLD.
DIBM_U6_Marketing_W15_Activity 2
Relacionar GruposGroup these factors as Personal, Psychological, Cultural and Social factors
DIBM_U6_Marketing_W15_Activity 1
Completar frasesComplete this text ; Give the text description here and mark the words to be left as blank in BOLD.
DIBM_U6_Marketing_W14_Activity 1
CrucigramaComplete the puzzle using suitable words using the hints
DIBM_U3_Economics_W8_Activity 1
Relacionar ColumnasMach these group characteristics under the correct type of Market Structure
DIBM_U7_Accounting_Activity 1
CrucigramaIdentify the correct words in the puzzle
DIBM_U6_Business Communication_Activity 2
Relacionar GruposGroup the following scenarios with the correct direction of communication
DIBM_U6_Business Communication_Activity 3
Completar frasesFilling the blanks
DIBM_U1_Introduction_W3_Activity 2
Relacionar GruposIdentify and match to the right type of Organizational Structure
DIBM_U1_Introduction_W1_Activity 1
Relacionar GruposMatching the factors to the right category of Environment and Stake holder group
DIBM_U1_Introduction_W3_Activity 4
Relacionar GruposMatching the factors to the right category of Business Growth
DIBM_U1_Introduction_W2_Activity 2
Relacionar GruposGroup these characteristics under the correct business type
DIBM_U4_HRM_W12_Activity 1
Relacionar ColumnasSelect the answer for the question from the column
DIBM_U4_HRM_W12_Activity 2
Relacionar ColumnasMarch the correct description from the next column
DIBM_U4_HRM_W13_Activity 1
Relacionar ColumnasMatch suitable words from the descriptions given in the other side
DIBM_U4_HRM_W13_Activity 2
Relacionar GruposMatch the correct word in to the correct group
DIBM_U4_HRM_W11_Activity 1
Completar frasesSelect the correct word for the blank from the list of words
U2W9_Activity15_ Presentation views & Customizing
Relacionar GruposIdentify the remaining items of the Selected Group / තෝරාගත් කණ්ඩායමේ ඉතිරි අයිතම හඳුනා ගන්න / தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட குழுவில் மீதமுள்ள உருப்படிகளை அடையாளம் காணவும்
U2W10_Activity16_Master Slide & Animations
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the Descriptions in column B with Terms in Column A / B තීරුවේ විස්තර A තීරුවේ පද සමඟ සසඳන්න / நெடுவரிசை B இல் உள்ள விளக்கங்களை A நெடுவரிசையில் உள்ள சொற்களுடன் பொருத்துங்கள்
U2W8_Activity13_ PowerPoint Interface
Mapa InteractivoSelect the part described from the diagram / රූප සටහනෙන්, විස්තර කරන කොටස තෝරන්න / வரைபடத்தில் விவரிக்கப்பட்ட விளக்கங்களை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்
U2W11_Activity17_ Shortcuts & Action buttons
Completar frasesFill in the blanks by clicking on the Correct word in order / පිළිවෙලට නිවැරදි වචනය ක්ලික් කිරීමෙන් හිස් තැන් පුරවන්න / வரிசையில் உள்ள சரியான சொல்லைக் கிளிக் செய்வதன் மூலம் வெற்றிடங்களை நிரப்பவும்
U2W8_Activity14_ Powerpoint Ribbon
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the Descriptions in column B with Terms in Column A / B තීරුවේ විස්තර A තීරුවේ පද සමඟ සසඳන්න / நெடுவரிசை B இல் உள்ள விளக்கங்களை A நெடுவரிசையில் உள்ள சொற்களுடன் பொருத்துங்கள்
U2W7_Activity12_Working with Excel
CrucigramaUsing the given hints complete the Crossword Puzzle / දී ඇති ඉඟි භාවිතා කිරීමෙන් ප්රහේලිකාව සම්පූර්ණ කරන්න / குறிப்புகளைப் பயன்படுத்தி புதிரை முடிக்கவும்
U2W7_Activity11_Excel Functions
Completar frasesFill in the blanks by clicking on the Correct word in order / පිළිවෙලට නිවැරදි වචනය ක්ලික් කිරීමෙන් හිස් තැන් පුරවන්න / வரிசையில் உள்ள சரியான சொல்லைக் கிளிக் செய்வதன் மூலம் வெற்றிடங்களை நிரப்பவும்
U2W6_Activity10_Excel Charts
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the Descriptions in column B with Terms in Column A / B තීරුවේ විස්තර A තීරුවේ පද සමඟ සසඳන්න / நெடுவரிசை B இல் உள்ள விளக்கங்களை A நெடுவரிசையில் உள்ள சொற்களுடன் பொருத்துங்கள்
U2W5 _Activity08_Excel Interface
Mapa InteractivoSelect the part described from the diagram / රූප සටහනෙන්, විස්තර කරන කොටස තෝරන්න / வரைபடத்தில் விவரிக்கப்பட்ட விளக்கங்களை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்
U2W5_Activity09_Excel Tools & Elements
Relacionar GruposIdentify the remaining items of the Selected Group / තෝරාගත් කණ්ඩායමේ ඉතිරි අයිතම හඳුනා ගන්න / தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட குழுவில் மீதமுள்ள உருப்படிகளை அடையாளம் காணவும்
U2W4_Activity07_Mail Merge
Completar frasesFill in the blanks by clicking on the Correct word in order / පිළිවෙලට නිවැරදි වචනය ක්ලික් කිරීමෙන් හිස් තැන් පුරවන්න / வரிசையில் உள்ள சரியான சொல்லைக் கிளிக் செய்வதன் மூலம் வெற்றிடங்களை நிரப்பவும்
U2W3_Activity06_Word Insert Objects
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the Descriptions in column B with Terms in Column A / B තීරුවේ විස්තර A තීරුවේ පද සමඟ සසඳන්න / நெடுவரிசை B இல் உள்ள விளக்கங்களை A நெடுவரிசையில் உள்ள சொற்களுடன் பொருத்துங்கள்
U2W2_Activity05_Match Words
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the Descriptions in column B with Terms in Column A / B තීරුවේ විස්තර A තීරුවේ පද සමඟ සසඳන්න / நெடுவரிசை B இல் உள்ள விளக்கங்களை A நெடுவரிசையில் உள்ள சொற்களுடன் பொருத்துங்கள்
U2W2_Activity04_Word ShortCutKeys
Completar frasesFill in the blanks by clicking on the Correct word in order / පිළිවෙලට නිවැරදි වචනය ක්ලික් කිරීමෙන් හිස් තැන් පුරවන්න / வரிசையில் உள்ள சரியான சொல்லைக் கிளிக் செய்வதன் மூலம் வெற்றிடங்களை நிரப்பவும்
U2W1_Activity02_Working with Word
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the Descriptions in column B with Terms in Column A / B තීරුවේ විස්තර A තීරුවේ පද සමඟ සසඳන්න / நெடுவரிசை B இல் உள்ள விளக்கங்களை A நெடுவரிசையில் உள்ள சொற்களுடன் பொருத்துங்கள்
U2W1_Activity01_Word Interface
Mapa InteractivoSelect the part described from the diagram / රූප සටහනෙන්, විස්තර කරන කොටස තෝරන්න / வரைபடத்தில் விவரிக்கப்பட்ட விளக்கங்களை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்
Relacionar GruposIdentify the remaining items of the Selected Group / තෝරාගත් කණ්ඩායමේ ඉතිරි අයිතම හඳුනා ගන්න / தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட குழுவில் மீதமுள்ள உருப்படிகளை அடையாளம் காணவும்