Telephoning language
Relacionar ColumnasThe students will be able to relate phrases connected to telephone conversations
Past simple forms
Froggy JumpsStudents have to select the correct form of the verbs in the past forms
Health problems
MemoryThe students have to match the picture with te correct words or phrases to form health matters
Sports vocabulary
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble to work out the vocabulary related to sports
Phrasal verbs- achievements- own it 2
Froggy JumpsStusents will be able to choose the correct definition for each phrasal verb
What are they doing?
Completar frasesStudents complete the text with key vocabulary from unit 1, kid's box 3
Family matters
Froggy JumpsVocabulary related to family. Kid's box 3
Kid's box 4- Back to school
Froggy JumpsRelative clauses with 'who'
Films and entertainment
CrucigramaUse the clues to complete the puzzle
Sports and activities
Ruleta de Palabrasdefinitions about sports are given for students to guess
Jobs rosco
Ruleta de PalabrasThe students have to guess the correct word, after reading the definitions
Ruleta de PalabrasRevision of words related to agriculture and unit 1, speakout book
Drinks and food
Ruleta de PalabrasThe students have to guess the word, relate to drinks and food
present perfect
Sopa de letrasFind the words
simple past verbs
Sopa de letrasFind the simple past forms of the verbs
Simple past verbs
CrucigramaFind the simple past forms
present perfect
Ruleta de Palabrascomplete with the correct past participle verb
Relacionar ColumnasMatch to make rules for present perfect simple
Order the words
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the words to make present perfect sentences
Past participles
CrucigramaWrite the right past participle form!