Sentences structure (D)
Ordenar PalabrasPractice of sentences structure with direct and indirect object
Vocabulary Words Unit 2
CrucigramaComplete the next crossword.
Vocabulary Words
Sopa de letrasFInd the following words.
Vocabulary Words 1, 2 & 3
Sopa de letrasFind the following words.
Vocabulary Words 1, 2 & 3
CrucigramaFind the Following words: wearily straggled fatigue frail sheepishly immense majestic numerous horizon awakenings beaming
Vocabulary words UNCLE MARCOS
Completar frasesRead each sentence and complete them with the correct vocabulary word.
People and the Planet
DictadoListen to the audio and write the text in the box. Every audio is a complete sentence. Don´t forget to use periods.