adjectives opposites
Relacionar Columnasmatch the opposite adjectives
adverbs of frequency
Relacionar Columnasmatch the english word with the czech translation
adverbs of frequency
Ordenar Palabrasorder the words
question words
Completar frasesselect the correct question word
questions word order
Ordenar Palabraspresent simple questions with question words
question words
Completar frasesselect the right question word
some any a
Testchoose the right option
some any
Ordenar Palabrasunscramble the sentences with some/any
Completar frasescomplete the correct word
possessive adjectives
Relacionar Columnasmatch the personal pronoun and the possessive adjective
Ordenar Palabrasunscramble the words
personal questions
Relacionar Columnasmatch the questions and answers
short answers.
Completar fraseschoose the correct short answer.
question words
Relacionar Columnasmatch the question word and its czech equivalent
question words
Completar fraseschoose the write question word
animal questions
Ordenar Palabrasunscramble the letters
question words
Completar fraseschoose the correct question word
Relacionar Columnasmatch the animals and their characteristics
Ordenar Palabrasunscramble the sentences.
routine - third person s
Completar fraseschoose the correct word
days of the week
Ordenar Letrasunscrable the letters in days
personal pronouns
Completar frasesuse a pronouns instead of a name
personal pronouns
Relacionar Columnasmatch the english and czech pronouns
daily routine
Completar frasescomplete missing words
daily routine questions
Ordenar Palabrasunscrable the sentences, yes/no questions
2. pád - země
Testchoose the correct country name in the genitiv form
Find on the map
Mapa InteractivoFind the country on the map
daily routine
Relacionar Columnasmatch the phrases
daily routine
Relacionar Columnasmatch
basic questions
Relacionar Columnasmatch
Ordenar Letrascolours
basic phrases
Ordenar Letrasunscramble the letters
Basic phrases
Relacionar Columnasmatch the basic English phrases with their Czech equivalents.
Introducing yourself
Ordenar Palabrasunscramble the sentences, first lesson material
adjetivos opuestos
Relacionar Columnasconecta los adjetivos opuestos
irregular verbs L-W
Testchoose the correct option
Relacionar Gruposmatch the opposites
Testchoose the correct option
at the doctor
Relacionar Columnashealth problems
irregular verbs 3
Testfill in the sentences
Memoryirregular verbs
Completar frasesfill in the verbs
irreguar quiz
Testirregular verbs
Testchoose the correct form
irregular verbs
Completar frasesfill in the text
irregular verbs
Relacionar Gruposmatch the infinitive and the past simple form