Video Quiz
Harry Potter-Quiz (PART 3)
Watch the video and answer the questions about Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
Video Quiz
Harry Potter-Quiz (PART 2)
Watch the video and answer the questions about Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
Video Quiz
Harry Potter-Quiz
Watch the video and answer the questions about Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
Ruleta de Palabras
Ancient History-Revision
Actividad de repaso de los conceptos trabajados en la unidad sobre historia antigua. Destinado a 4º de primaria en centros de enseñanza bilingüe.
Relacionar Columnas
Flyers practice
Match the definitions with the correct words. This activity is based on the third chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
Mapa Interactivo
El correo electrónico
Lee la indicación y haz click en la sección correcta del correo electrónico.
Relacionar Columnas
Pronunciation revision
Listen to the audios. Then, match each of them with the words that you hear.
Vocabulary practice
Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. The golden square will tell you where you are going to write.
Los ecosistemas
Actividad relacionada con los ecosistemas y sus componentes. Destinada a 6º de Educación Primaria